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- Hannah May thegymnast: Ilyyyyyy❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
- LIM Oncino!!: HI JJJ
- Robbie Sounds: You make my day alive !
- 1,000 Subscribers Without Videos Challenge: O YEA BOI
- Angel Halo: Yaassss. Mexican food is the BEST. 👌👌
- Julia Plays roblox and other stuff: Mmmmmmmm looks delicious 😋
- むーさん: Eating so nasty
- LynettesDream: Ahhhhhhhh I loovveee yourrrr aasssmmrrrrrr❤️❤️❤️👍👍👍😂😭😭
- Megan ward. asmr: I love you guys i love you guys i. Love you guys
- çempasúchil•: Lol i'm Mexican
- Haley Alyssa: “Yes mami” 😂
- Stephy Wesp: i cant wait till i start my job so i can spend my entire paycheck on Mexican food
- Kogarashi beats: I like asmr but this is fucking discusting please stop
- Melina Morales: I want to do a Mukbang with you 😂
- Katheryn Gomez: Hey Jenna!!!!❤️ i just wanted to say that i LOVE you videos!!😘❤️😜
- evee xo ೃೀ: Try to eat spanish food (Obviously the spanish food and mexican are not the same)
- J ASMR: Um, yes please... I can dream too, can't I?
- Maya Avery: mebabysis1130 how is that rude
- Dhiz Rade: Hi.
- error ASMR 🍭: chewing the cud You barely chew which means your stomach is going to do all the work digesting. Poor stomach. Try seite tortilla chips they're grain free and less toxic to your soul.
- Tea Sis: I’ll be at ur house waiting for you to hand that to me 😄😂 (Just kidding) great vid
- Damarianna: Omg I love ur personality so much
- LilyTDH: I'm early!!! Who else is here before 1000 veiws? Because I am
- Danielle Gardner: First likkkeee lol i lysm and that looks sooooo gooodddd
- Butt hole: They weren't being sarcastic he/ she was just tyna be a smartass
- TM TrickShots: Before you know it you will be at 1,000,000 👍😎💯🔥👍🏻😂💙
- Juana Rivera: Omg love the vid
- Abigail Velasquez: I’m first!!!
- Amber Hershberger: Got the tingling in my spine yesterday I thought I would never experienced that ever again
- LemoN: Yooooo! That’s the first time a YouTubed replied! Ur awesome and ur vids too!!
- Jungkookie BTS: Chew with your mouth close please
- Adriana Plascencia: This helps me relax love you so nice and funny keep doing what you love
- Ajar Raccoon: kathryn :D r/whoosh
- Yuan Estabillo: Mom: son fix your cabinet Me: I will ill just watch something (watching this video and fell asleep) (Mom walks in with a shoe and smacks me in my butt)
- Maya Avery: Emily McBride YASS a limelight
- Boe Did: Morgan Hyman what do you mean
- Mc_Hero _Girl: now i want to eat that too.
- Valeria SUB TO ISSA TWAIMZ AND LARRAYYY ;3: Sooooo true
- Tablet Brink: Frist
- Junior Reyes: Chipotle is not Mexican food
- Emily McBride: Chew with your mouth closed
- Fergalicious Definitions: OMG I LOVEEEEEE THIS I cant believe how much you grown but you deserve it❤️🧡💛💛💚💙💜
- jasmine herrera: Yooo I love her sfmmm y’all “is better than chipotle and I’ll fight you on that”😂😂😂😭♥️if you don’t like her I don’t like you 😂♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
- tim !: jake paul did 1 mill in 6 months.. why are you acting like 100k is an overachievement
- Dangitsmesoff Sofia: It looks so good, NOW I WANNA TRY MEXICAN FOOD
- kathryn :D: Honeyyyyyy, she said at the start that she is for the sounds. LISTEN. Plus, she said she doesn’t want any comments saying “Chew with your mouth closed” So... 😑
- kitty girl: i dont like food videos Cuase they make me hungry!😭😭😭😭 thats the only reason besides that im good i can watch this asmr
- Carlie Bank: 37th comment ( nailed it Weasel!)
- Jason Davenport: Happy Cinco DeJuly
- Adriana Silvis: you’re making me very hungry. but i love your videos sooooo much. i wish that i could meet you so bad. also good job this video was fantastic!!! ❤️ edit: omg i just realized something, you’re literally only 20K away from 100K and i’m so excited and happy for you ❤️❤️ “that’s what good... dinner sounds like y’all” was my favorite part 😂 but good job! tysm for the heart Jenna! Ily ♥️
- Cambree Reichmuth: I love you so much Jenna❤️
- Moxie Beast ASMR: Love it. Craving chipotle today ❤️❤️❤️
- hailey read: this asmr video made it feel like somebody with long nails were lightly tickling my back<3
- kathryn :D: I love Mexican food! ❤️
- DumbassHeadass Girlie: This video was my whole ass mood like ME IM SCREAMINGJSJSJ like ugh luf food BUT I LUF HOWYOU DIDNT TRY THAT DIP YOU JUST LICK THE LID AND GO “oh that’s good :0” LIKE ME BET
- TheBlack Kitty: You are so cute
- Beebbies: Little Addi Have you not seen eating asmr?
- POTATO BEE 123 bb: Literalmente hasta a mi se me antojo no manches las tostadas se ven bien ricas que chidorris que la comida te haya gustado 🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽😍😍😍
- Rizqia Prananda: I like the sound
- Jay Ogo: Yes gurl I love me some qdoba
- Jfjf Knfjf: Hi, welcome to chili’s.
- Danielle Gardner: :))) lysm!
- NaVaeVaesWorld: Haven't had it. Is it LIKE Chipolte? ?
- Sarai Salazar: I love your video when I'm busy and when i come home i go straight to your video❤❤❤❤J AMSR
- Darius MacLean: I’m hungry dude 😩😭
- kathryn :D: Haha! 😂😂
- Kensleigh Shugart: I’m Hispanic so I enjoyed this VERY much!😂
- Pastel Walls: I'm Mexican so I eat mexican food everyday😂❤
- Yuan Estabillo: Hahaha
- SoMetHiNg ElSe: This is soooo good, I just can’t stop watching your videos 😍❤️❤️❤️
- crayonsandcolouringbooks: omg i need it
- Boe Did: I love when she says Qdoba is a million times better than Chipotle and i will fight you on that. I was like laughing when she said that.
- Mcatz Plays: J your so close to 100,000 k!! YOUR SO AMAZING
- Remus Lupin: I just finished an alien obduction and now I'm watching you eat when I'm hungry
- Angel L. Guzman: Your an amazing asmrist
- Mary Delusional: I eat Mexican everyday :v
- Cute Simmer: Sorry my comment auto corrected to Jade lol sorry Jenna x
- Darlene Vlogs: I’ve never had chipotle
- :3 my baby jeonjungkookie :3: I just wanted to say this..... OMG CHIPOTLE, CHIPOTLE IS MY LIFEEE ( VINES LMAO) 😂
- TM TrickShots: your words are heart touching :)))))
- Nav Nev: you look so pretty oml
- Nadia: That looks so good! I LoVe you so much and I really wish I could meet you!
- J ASMR: LemoN 💩
- J ASMR: Qdoba is superior
- bubble toes: Also can u try eating Italian foods??
- Morgan Hyman: While she was reading your comment she said that... What a coincidence
- Kaatil kutta: Try indian food some day!
- Emely Garcia: Mexican food is the best!!!❤️❤️👌 Just like J's asmr
- Little Addi: It’s not nice to Eat in front of people
- Y&S FOOD!: Outstanding movie! Here at Y&S FOOD! we like to come across this style of contents. We create Travel & Food films too, across the world, and so we are frequently seeking inspirations and approaches. Thank You.
- AlexxBrii SSon: Why not French Food 😍
- 🐼Curly Fry🐼: Love this video!!!
- White Queen: I'm hungry and watching this -_-
- Abigail Velasquez: Hi
- ツNo: Crazy' S In America French food isn’t as popular as Mexican, Asian, and American food unfortunately
- Meleny Conchas Medina: People over here saying chew with your mouth closed and I'm just over her like ...HONEY the point of this is to not chew with your mouth closed so before you speak get your facts straight.....AND LEAVE HER ALONE
- Madi’s World: Your literally the best ilyssm
- Melly Poulain: So good 🤩🌮
- Carlie Bank: Weird people who don’t understand how asmr works:”chew with your mouth closed” Me:”YASSS KEEP CHEWING!”
- Vincent Kirk Natural: im hungry omg
- Jane Gloriana: ❤❤❤❤❤
- emmaa. jemma: This might be random but you are just a genuine nice and outgoing person and I feel like anyone would love to be your friend. Also another great video! I love all your videos especially this new one 😂😂 I cant stop laughing at the funny parts like “I know there is gonna be comments like “CHEW WITH YOUR MOUTH CLOSED”” And I love all theeee food sounds Thanks for another great video Jenna xoxoxo
- Anna Panda: Now I’m hungry xD
- ебаный чан у: Awwwww relaxxxxx
- Depressed kid: YASSS QUEEEN
- LH VIBES: I love your videos and I love this one to you are amazing it would mean the world to me if you could like this comment cause I love your videos
- Allena Sabatini: I don’t really get it.....but I like LMAO also I like ur earrings I have the same ones
- Danny Fandubs: I'm in deep love with her AHUSHSUSHS
- Patricia daniel: Yuan Estabillo literal story of my life
- Idfk Josh: Dude I swear so many freaking tingles 💕👍
- Rachel Park: Why is food so good
- ashley Brown: Jenna i was wondering if u could do a celebration of my bday tomorrow I'm turning 16 and i was wondering if u could do a mudbang video of you celebrating my bday my name is Ashley thxs
- Thot Be Gone: 10 seconds in and I already know its good
- bubble toes: I CAN NOT believe that ur at 81k!!! Its not that im surprised and thought that u couldn't do it, but its like I BLINKED, and u went from 22k to 81k!! Im so proud of u, u've put me to sleep countless nights, I hope u continue this and ily ❤️
- RaelyPlayzz S: I laughed so hard when she said "Yeash mommi" lol 🤣😂
- Cassia Grace: Hello J 💙
- Butt hole: Why do people dislike videos? I mean like if they don’t like it then why do they continue to watch it and proceed to dislike the video rather then just not watching it? There is no need for the negativity on any videos. If you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything at all..., like shes chewing with her mouth open for the sounds, nobody is forcing you to watch the video, its suppose to relax you and go to sleep, if you hate people who eat with their mouth open stop watching the video, like i said nobody is forcing you to watch it so get the fuck off of her channel, stop wasting her time and leave thats simple, also like she said, 1:44 , look at the whole video or just dont bc yall just sound stupid
- RANDOMSTUFF!😂: I love to eat at that place,its so good!!😙🌮🌯
- cam ille: 1:48 KKKSKKSKSKKSK ÍCONE
- Kaelyn Grace Vlogs Rodriguez: Hewwo! Btw love the video!💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
- Isabella Boyle: Second
- Lei Paredes: You are amazing the video is super relax please heart me a comment
- Its Cass: Much wow
- TM TrickShots: Because she earned the subscribers by this, Jake Paul sucks and he got 1 million subscribers because he vlogs and you suck because your bi*ch like she says sometimes 👌👍🏻😂💯🔥 now go away
- FaZe _chris: Nice vid 😃
- *Jeongyeon*: -y-u-m-m-y-
- bbgurlxir: OMG you should do a video with shane dawson.....You guys would be great friends😂😂(yes ik that it will be almost impossible to get shane to do it with her but like a girl can dream)
- Amber Hershberger: For the forth of July ASMR
- Destiny Cannon: Great sounds
- pine tree-: She's so sassy &I love it
- Gamer girl Alicia: I love your channel❤️😍
- Sophie Penguin: 1:47
- GaBy T. E: But I have 10 years old
- Belfast Service Centre: I love you 😍
- Juan Hernandez: Can you tell by my face im mexican
- Ground Gacha: One min late Jenna! I have a question, what mic do you use you inspire me to do this. If you can tell me before the16th that would be great 😊 8 love ur channel
- Mariam 000: hypocitex oh happy birthday 😙
- Prizingg AJ: Yesterday we just got back to Sacramento because we went to Mexico
- x D: I'm mexicaaaan <3
- Sara R: *When you realize that Good Bleach was being sarcastic
- Francesca Lupini: +Cute Simmer thank you!!!
- LemoN: Where does all that food go?? 🤨🤨🤨
- Stephy Wesp: error ASMR 🍭 well may i remind you that it’s all pretty much guacamole and rice with some chicken and corn which even when you chew corn, it’s hard for your body to digest weather you chew it or not. also small foods which were in her meal are easy for the body to digest
- XxRachelx xOkeeffexX: Jenna...why are you losing subscribers!? You should'nt
- TM TrickShots: yo i love this food ;)
- Sofia Sarafa: You honestly have the best thumbnails like not even kidding am I the only one that loves Jenna's thumbnails 😂❤️
- Amber Hershberger: Thank you
- Abby's Funtown: OH YAS MOMMY XD LOl
- Ari: O wow -YUMMY- please heart my comment Jenna it would been alot to me!
- Jesus Christ: +ツNo don't forget Italian😏
- Clarissadances: Can we just take a moment to appreciate the fact that she's almost at 100,000 subscribers yet started her channel only 6 months ago?? BTW yes I know it's not about the subscriber count or numbers, im just really proud of her
- fan culo: Yall chill they said it as a joke because jenna literally said not to comment that lmao
- Patrice Cooley: That's what good pus-... ASMR.... sounds like. 😂😂 (joke don't yell at me)
- mads does a lot of nothing: idk if u get money off of yt but : kween (queen) ....get money off of enjoying your everyday lunch.. u's got it good hOneYY!
- Cheyenne Sala: You have cool vids
- M1ST3R TW1ST3R: Same
- SeHun's Yehet: omg so i got a internet cut out and yall i got no asmr for a WEEK STRAIGHT i miss you aaaaaaa
- LegacyGX 2: Most of the comments are liked by J
- Syubie Ungii: i love u u are amazing
- A: Your so beautiful! ❤❤❤❤
- Dark Sings: Now I want to eat……………………………………😭
- Love Squish: I love all her videos
- ツNo: Jason Davenport Happy Cinco De Julio*
- Yo It's Yos: I'm early!!!!!! LOVE YOU!!! I GAVE UP MY SLEEP FOR YOU!!!
- Cailin Fowler: We’re getting pizza tonight and now I really want Mexican 😂
- EmiSel Jimenez: Food Spain please! 💜😥 Paella! 😂 Greeting from Spain ✋
- NaVaeVaesWorld: After watching this..... I wanted Chipolte. So I frkn begged my mom, and we went, then I continued the video. Lmfaoooo!!!
- makayla g: this is not the video to watch when you’re hungry as hEck at 2 am
- Uk Chains: Chew with your mouth closed >:3
- Vexy Vexy: Incognit05 yea you might have it too loud whenever you use your earphones
- Sophia Begins: Oh wow YummY
- LH VIBES: I've never been to the place that that in this video made your food but I'll take your word on it and believe it's really good
- ツNo: #GetJTo100K
- bella mawdesley: *YES MAMI*
- TM TrickShots: And your obviously not a real fan of Jake Paul because he actually got 5 mil in 6 months
- Liza Sari: Piss off will ya
- Luisa Fernanda Garcia Montañez: I am mexican and I love your videos I hope you enjoyed our food but anyways remember burritos are not mexican you have to trie real tortillas their are the best their are a lot diferent that the ones you had their are more soft and you also need to trie pozole and real tacos not with hard tortilla. Well I am not the best person ti write un English. Btw you are the best. :D
- Anonymous Gacha: That really looks gooddddd
- Jüñïpër Køøkïë: Nice sounds *goes in corner and cries because I have no food*
- Madison Beeboo: YASS earlyyyy
- Sarah Galanti: Eat food italy, so good😍😍🤤🤤
- ChugBleach: You should make an asmr where all you do is snap your fingers
- Beth Peckinpaugh: I love u soo much I literally fall asleep two ur Asmr vids every night
- La chica de lentes: Mary Delusional I get you ;V
- 쵤 욘소: this video made me sleepy... hungry too;-;
- Lin Roldan: Happy bday🎉❤
- TC 2016 DOG: Yummmmm😛
- Matthew Coleman: omg queen of eating i can’t believe you invented consuming food ugh your mind
- Just Me Dahlia: Omfg your so pretty, I wish I was that pretty 😭
- Norah Aliyah: better you have to get the 100 k because you are the best!!💪💗
- Powerful_Pancake: Oh wow yummy
- LazyPotato: ❤❤❤❤
- Shawn Aranda: Im mad because i can't eat it
- bimatek: Раньше нравился её контент, да и сейчас заходит, но чем больше смотрю её новые видео, тем больше понимаю некоторых, как она сама о них отзывается, "хейтеров". Слишком своеобразна, ведёт себя отвратно на некоторых видео, будто бы вообще не думает о своей репутации. Все эти замашки, которые человек может делать только в одиночестве или при близких людях без стыда, делают её "свиньёй".
- Korie Williams: Was the guacamole extra?? 😂😭
- anelis: This is the 34-th comm :))
- Riverdale Fan: Im mexican 🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽
- Guzman asmr: Arriba México..
- Ryry’s life _: Just watching the intro makes me tingle
- J ASMR: Hi
- Eileen Cantu: Chew with your mouth closed
- _Cool_Kid_ 101: Chew with your mouth closed
- Kayla Ounsy: Emily McBride ikr! like we can already hear from the mic
- Incognit05: I normally dislike mouth/eating sounds, but this one was pretty good! I think not wearing headphones and using speakers may have helped. It was comforting to have in the background...
- MR. Ratyimen: Hi J ASMR! Please create a feet asmr. This is awesome.
- Cute Simmer: This video made me so hungry love you Jade
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ASMR Eating Mexican Food oh wow yummy | |
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People & Blogs | Upload TimePublished on 5 Jul 2018 |
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